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Jon Stewart responds to his FOX MSNBC equivalency Rally & Olbermann

Jon Stewart is likable and funny even when he is profoundly WRONG.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon – Thurs 11p / 10cMSNBC
Suspends Keith Olbermann
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorRally to Restore Sanity

Forget this long list of differences between the two networks. Jon Stewart to appear on Fox News Sunday, interview with Fox Chris Wallace

Also let us put aside the bigotry, intolerance, ignorance, lies, callous disregard and reliance upon violent solutions that is the very essence of the Right.

Let’s just go with what Stewart is asking for. Stop the angst, stop the name calling, stop the anger the negative ads and all play nice.

Okay, how many of you out there think Fox News, Talk Radio, and the Republican Party will do any of that?
Show of hands please.
I see no hands.
Oh, oh, there’s one!
Please explain yourself!
"Can I be excused to go to the bathroom please?"

So what Jon Stewart is advocating is that only ONE SIDE should play nice because we all know, including Jon Stewart, that the other side will never ever ever even think about doing so. And like it or not playing nice wins no elections. [Yes I know, of the 470 national candidates in this election, 3 lost because of extreme negative ads which is less than 1%.]

Angst, name calling, anger, negative advertising and playing mean WORKS. It is the reason why Republicans win elections. So if the Left were to follow Jon’s advice, Republicans would win 100% of the vote rather than just the majority of it. Wait, there is you and me, so that would be 99.9%.