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Jon Stewart, Vote Republican or die of Ebola and ISIS

Emotion is the only reason anyone would vote for a Democrat says Bill O’Reilly.

Vote Republican or die of Ebola and ISISAs we watch endless Republican political ads that Obama is bringing Ebola and ISIS here to kill you. You see? It’s the standard GOP game, draw a conclusion from a false first premise. Which they get away with. Why? Because our political system is more about  smart people versus dumb people than anything else.

And here we have that ugly little twat (can I say that here?) Charles Krauthammer laying down his four unarguable political truths.

1) Democrats cannot argue the economy!  Well except that George W. Bush and the Republicans destroyed the economy as bad as it has gotten since the Great Depression. Time and again it has been proved that trickle down economics does not work. Unemployment went from almost 10% in the year they left office to now 5.8% while every other indicator is up and gas here is $2.49 a gallon for Christake.

2) Democrats cannot argue foreign policy! Under George W. Bush and the GOP we lost 10,000 American lives in the most horrendous terrorist act in our history and a war that we all agree was a horrible mistake. I do not include the 200,000 to 500,000 Muslim lives lost in Iraq and Afghanistan because as you know, they don’t count. Democrats got us out of one war and just about out of the other, both of which a large majority of Americans support. And please keep in mind that ISIS could not even fill a baseball stadium.

3) Democrats cannot argue on the competence of Government! Republicans are responsible for the worst incompetence in our history with their 911 fail. And the worst intelligence failure in our History which caused the death of 6000 more Americans for a war because of WMDs that were never there. And of course…. Good Job Browny!

4) Democrats cannot really argue on anything at all!  What? You mean like global warming, climate change, evolution, birth control, science, education, death penalty, suppressing the vote, racism, disparity of wealth, Obamacare, wars, privatizing Social Security, marijuana, minimum wage, equal pay for equal work, abortion, shooting unarmed black boys and my fingers are tired…