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Jordan Klepper, GOP Senate fixes everything on their first day

The Senate win results were immediate. The economy now going at a robust 3.5%. Gas this morning under three bucks a gallon. Stock Market at record levels. Deficits cut in half. Ten million more Americans have health insurance and Unemployment sub-six percent for the frist time since we elected Chairman Obama. Jordan Klepper.

jordan klepper senate rundownSo with that said what happened? Sure only half the people who vote in presidential elections showed up for this midterm. Fox News and talk radio managed the ISIS and Ebola scare very very well. It was a referendum on Obama who is black and giving freebies to other blacks. It was for the most part the South and Red States taking back what they lost in the 2012 Presidential sweep.

But most of all – for those who watched of the election returns  on TV know – the visual sea of red 90% landmass we came away with, has too many there saying, “I love the smell of manure in the morning!” There seems to be little doubt that airborne animal feces carry a virus – far worse than Ebola – which turns white people who breath it into poop-for-brains Republicans.