Donald Trump assigned the six worst people possible to destroy the agencies they are now head of.
Scott Pruitt at EPA – Spent his political career trying to eliminate the EPA
Betsey DeVos at Education – Spent her life trying to destroy public education
Rick Perry at Energy – Spent his political life trying to eliminate the Dept of EnergyBen Carson at HUD – An incompetent fool who knows not a thing about housing other than the pyramids are hollow and once filled with grainTom Price at HHD – Wants to eliminate Medicare, Medicaid and all other federal involvement in heath care. Fired not for any of that but for too many airplane rides on your nickle.
Jeff Sessions as Attorney General – An Alabama confederate racist who spend his life turning back Civil Rights.
And Donald Trump is not smart enough to know anything about those people or the departments they represent, so who put them in there? Mike Pence and Steve Bannon.