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Just headlines and a Bit, Rack Jite, January 30 2017

Just the news and a bit, Rack Jite

‘Who is Cleaning House?’ Kellyanne Conway Wants Media Outlets to Fire People Critical of Trump

How about instead we fire people critical of the media? Or impeach them.

Former Obama adviser calls Trump decision on Nat Sec panel ‘stone cold crazy’

That goes without saying, but it doesn’t mean anything until at least three Republican Senators agree. And there just may be. McCain, Graham and Collins.

Trump team unified in defense of immigration order

The whole idea is to keep off-white people from voting next time round now that the world knows the president is stone cold crazy.

Some Top Republicans in Congress Criticize Trump’s Refugee Policy

That means Lindsay Graham, John McCain and Susan Collins – enough to impeach.

16 state attorney generals vow to fight Trump’s travel bans

Without looking it up I would guess that means we have 34 Republican held state Governors.

Charles Drury named Limbaugh Award honoree

Drury Hotels, don’t go there. But I would guess the point of the award is that Drury Hotels is a new sponsor for the Rush Limbaugh Show which has been losing them since the Lord of Fake News and Alternate facts called Sandra Fluke a whore. Or because Drury Hotels is losing ground and wants to fill there rooms up with booger eating, sister marrying, gun totting white dittoheads, Trumpologists and make sure no off-white people go anywhere near the place.

Sean Spicer: Overly ‘Simplistic’ for People to Say Trump Tweets in Reaction to Cable News

That is exactly what he does. So what’s the matter with being overly simplistic? It’s how Donald Trump works. He is unable to read anything longer than a tweet.

Giuliani: After Trump Announced Muslim Ban, He Asked Me for Right Way to Do It Legally

Rudy blows his horn so we know he has not been completely abandoned. And with protests in most every major airport in the world and more lawsuits one can count, Rudy did a bang up job on his first call to duty!