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Just Headlines and a bit, Rack Jite, Oct 7 2027

Just the news and a bit, Rack Jite

Just the news and a bit, Rack JiteNazi-Killing Video Game ‘Wolfenstein II’ Angers Nazis With ‘Make America Nazi-Free Again’ Slogan

Breaks my heart. After all, as President Fking Moron tells us some Nazis are nice people, you know like some Mexicans are nice people. What are Nazis best known for?  Throughout history many states and leaders tried to win over the world by war: Alexander, Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Kublia Khan and they are not thought of as purely evil bastards, Nazis are defined by the genocide of 12 million people, mostly Jews. So if you see one today, punch em in the face.

Jeffrey Lord Believes Abortion Is the Reason America Experiences So Many Mass Shootings

Unemployed Trump Spox Jeffery Lords proves the point that if you want to find out where the crazy of the Trump voters, the GOP base, the NRA, the neo-Nazis, the neo-confederates and the white supremacist comes from, FOLLOW THE RELIGION.

Ta-Nehisi Coates: Do We Need Bannon To Lynch Someone To Know He’s a White Supremacist?

What news?  Anyone living down here with the crackers have heard this a million times. You cannot be a racist unless you owned slaves, lynched a Negro or burned a cross on someone’ lawn. I know this may sound unbelievable to some of you Yankees up there in your chilly bubble, but I have heard people down her say not a few times, “I am not a racist I just hate Nwords.”

Fox News’ Greg Gutfeld: ‘I Think It’s Time to Invade California and Arrest Jerry Brown!’

Fox News? Greg Gutfeld? Who would have thought? And there are hundreds of these kind of right-wing headlines a day that just jump out at us. While Republicans have a whole network of digging deep to find some unknown liberal dufus saying something stupid and feed it to talk radio, which goes to Fox, which goes to social media and then the mainstream who has to report it or fear the GOP base. American politics is now run out of fear of ignorant, bigoted gun wielding intolerant Christians because Republicans fear being primaried and the media losing share.

Vegan Biz Owner Under Fire After Facebook Post Celebrating Death of 59 ‘Meat Eaters’

See above.