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Just Headlines and a bit of Limbaugh, Rack Jite, December 22 2016

Just Headlines with Rack Jite, December 22 2016

Limbaugh On Media Elites: If They Print It, I Won’t Believe It

From the leader of believable news, Western Journalism! Limbaugh has something there. Though it happens to be the opposite of the truth. It should read IF THEY TALK IT, DON’T BELIEVE IT.

Limbaugh realized decades ago that he can push any lie he wants on the air, and no matter it quoted, a studio video, or a transcript it is after the fact and too late to matter. Talk radio is the system of no record.  Unlike the New York Times or any credible newspaper that has a team going through every word and a series of editors and fact checkers, talk radio hosts have none of that at all, just blabbing their right-wing swill to increase the size of their audience for personal wealth.

Just one of literally thousand upon thousands of lies from Limbaugh, he spent TWO YEARS pushing the lie that Hillary Clinton murdered Vince Foster. Seven police agencies found it was not only a simple suicide but there was absolutely nothing to show otherwise. NOTHING. NOT ONE THING. You know what Limbaugh used as proof that she did it. That there was a brown car in the park where they found the body. Really. A brown car. And click the link to get a grasp on one of the most absurd right-wing websites in the world, Second only to WND.

Limbaugh: If Russia Hacked Election, Why Did Clinton Still Get Popular Vote?

Because they singled out the states in contention you fat stupid lying tub of lard. Rush Limbaugh who is personally most responsible for our fall into fake news, lying news and misinformation. 28 years of it. And never forget what brought him to fame at his local show in Sacramento. Stealing the word FEMENAZI from a caller, and reading off the names of men who died of AIDS while pushing the laugh and applause button. REALLY. What’s the difference between Trump and Limbaugh? Hair.

Trump calls on Obama to veto UN resolution on Israeli settlements

War with ISIS is not enough for The Donald, let’s have a war with all 1.8 billion Muslims. This very issue more than any other is the cause of the creation of rubble throughout the Middle East. Kicking sand in their face.