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Just Headlines and a Bit, Rack Jite January 3 2017

Just the news and a bit, Rack Jite

Just In: Sarah Palin Calls On Trump To Withdraw

Withdraw from what? To save yourself from the Western Journalism experience, you will have to figure this one out on your own. Shouldn’t be that hard. This also brings into question who would be the best top political adviser for The Donald, Steve Bannon or Sarah Palin? Tough call.

House GOP guts ethics panel

Why would they do that as their very first piece of business?  Duh…

Clinton Shills Attack ‘Morning Joe,’ Ignore They’re All Sell-Outs

So what does that mean? It doesn’t matter because the source is the Trump owned and operated OBSERVER newspaper. But if you must know without having Google and your ISP knowing you went to such a joke of a place, it is a defense of Mornin’ Joe Scarborough and Mika NOT PARTYING at Mar-a-Lago News Year’s eve party. This pair of MSNBC wabbits wore no hats, the blew no horns or the kissed any strangers.

Trump trolls ‘enemies’ with ‘Happy New Yeartweet

“Happy New Year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don’t know what to do. Love!” Donald Trump the most shallow petulant vindictive man alive.