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Kamau Bell: Can America’s second black President be Romney?


Meet the new Mitt Romney.   In this clip from the new show “Totally Biased” with Kamau Bell, and produced by Chris Rock we explore Romney and Obama’s relationship with black voters.

Obama is sincere when he states that he isn’t the President of Black America, but of all of America.  Romney is jumping on that statement to proclaim himself the President of Black America. After all, he has so much in common with black voters – assuming they will be able to jump through the hoops to vote.

Watch as Romney interacts with natural grace and ease with the black community. Be surprised to learn how much they share in common! After all, Mitt is from Motown – just don’t ask him about the  The Temptations, he might take it personally.

Can Mitt Romney be the first black president?  comedian Kamau Bell