The Donald Trump Network, a health care supplement pyramid scheme was yet another of The Donald’s failed gone bankrupt business deals, but even though it is over, you can still send your pee to Donald Trump at 725 5th Avenue New York, NY 10022. If you have no jar handy, just pee on am old rag and box it up. Which reminds of the greatest email I ever received:
From: magic <> Hello of friends! Someone makes your life hell? I can help you! I can influence the fate so negatively by concentration of humans so that it to die! I have this ability since my childhood. Why functioned I do not know it. I need only one photo (no printing, no in-scanned picture etc.!) and the rufnamen of the person. The effect usually occurs within 2 months by a usually which was to blame for accident. I can influence the type of the accident. Information about the normal endangerment of the person (e.g. weapons, driving a car, mountain pastes etc..) increase the probability of success. If I daily 10 minutes invest and 30 days am situated my success ratio with approx. 60%! Prices: 50 US $ per day probability of success: Only 1 day: approx. 10% (50 US$) until 30 days: approx. 60 % (1500 US $) Who wants to use the chance transmits cash (US $ or equivalent in other currency), photo and above-mentioned information on Code: magic p.o. box 45 A-3830 Waidhofen/Th Austria Europe. emails in another language than German are ignored!
What do you think? A scam to get your money? Or a revenge on someone at that address? And is it okay to reply in the language it was written in? Germlish?