Ken Cuccinelli is perhaps the most right-wing Republican nutcake running for a Governor in any state, even Texas! So it is little wonder that he is behind the unlikable Terry McAauliffe in double digits in a purple turning Virginia. In fact Kick! gave him runner-up award (to the Tea Party) as the biggest craphead of 2010.
A recent polling study has become quite popular in politics this week. Giving us to understand that 51% of Americans are Independents. Though for the most part, INDEPENDENT has come to mean moderate Republicans, this large group of voters does side with the GOP on matters of immigration, affirmative Action, regulations and the debt. Which would lead me to believe Independents are just as white as Republicans.
What Independents don’t like – and the reason they don’t want to be labeled as Republicans – is just about everything else Ken Cuccinelli stands for. In your face religion, pro life, birth control, gay marriage, women issues, health care and so on. You know, reasonable things.