Those who really really want a gun are the ones who really really should not be able to get a gun.
Who would have guessed that failed Right-wing nutcake Virginia Governor Ken Cuccinelli, who was famous for outlawing BJs in Virginia, would now be selling insurance to cover legal expenses for gun enthusiasts who shoot and kill unarmed black kids? Or to be fair, for killing people white people who throw popcorn in movie theaters. But he did say it’s only for “law abiding” gun owners, which btw, is the case for most murderers.
There is so much wrong with this it’s hard to find a starting place. Well I suppose first off me must go beyond the celebrity of Ken Cuccinelli and mention the Jim Irvine of Buckeye Firearms who came up with this great idea.
But one thing goes without saying, we need to have everyone who buys this insurance registered as a possible or probable murderer.
What about the actuary stuff? It leaves out 60% of Americans who don’t even own guns. But I suppose that can be compensated for as the cost is only about $10 a month, perhaps Ken Cuccinelli and Jim Irvine can make a deal with the NRA to make this kill insurance part of the NRA membership fee.