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Key & Peele: Obama’s anger translator: Sh*t Romney doesn’t say NSFW

Do you ever wonder how President Barack Obama maintains his cool when faced with outright hostility, inane questions and blatant lies about him?  If you’re familiar with Obama’s inner anger translator Luther – you know that Luther says and feels the things that Obama – being human, must be tempted to voice one hundred times a day.

Jordan Peele is the ever-cool Obama  and Keegan-Michael Key lets the righteous anger flow as Obama’s anger translator, Luther.
Recently Luther is more than a bit miffed over Romney’s refusal to share his income tax records, stating that Romney shares the secrecy and privileged banking hide-outs previously associated with the likes of Octowussy and Goldfinger. Meanwhile, people still believe Obama’s birth certificate is a forty some year conspiracy by the Muslim brotherhood.

Key & Peele humor: Luther Obama's anger translator on Mitt Romney and his off shore zillions of dollars