Ten Good Things About Liberals
1) Being so rare, they are worth a lot.
2) They seem to have working brains.
3) They don’t eat much.
4) They at least pretend to care about something other than themselves.
5) I laugh with them rather than at them.
6) They give us almost all our art, literature and music.
7) They don’t smell of gun oil.
8) They know Rush Limbaugh for the pig he is.
9) They know Christianity is being bastardized.
10) They don’t yell at me as much as conservatives.
About Conservatives
1) They make me feel far more intelligent, altruistic and compassionate than I really am.
2) As a White guy, they help make my life a lot easier than it could otherwise be.
3) Hmmm…
About the Religious Right
1) They make conservatives look good.
2) Hmmm…
About Libertarians
1) Hmmm…