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Kim Bailey, the ugly face of Republican America

Oracle, Arizona Kim Bailey screaming at busload of kids

I suppose I can understand Republican’s callous, selfish disregard for others, it’s their pride in it that passes me by

Well if ever that 1994 quote of mine had meaning, Oracle, Arizona anti-immigration activist Kim Bailey is the poster child for it. Look at the shirt for Christsake. Need any more proof as to what the guns are for? Little children on buses no less. Not moving in but just moving through. And that American flag in his hand is the very definition of desecration. Is Kim Bailey what I and our veterans fought for? And is that his mother standing so proud with her boy?

In this case it was not right-wing talk radio putting out the call, but Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu who used social media to stir up the uglies. Sheriff Babeu was named Sheriff of the Year in 2011 by the National Sheriff’s Association. Anti Immigration Oracle Arizona

Down here in Dumbutt, Texas local communities are falling all over each other to see who can be first to pass the most draconian laws and resolutions to not allow ONE of these brown little kids to even pass through their communities.

The likes of Kim Bailey is what’s wrong with this country, and he has been with us for generations leading some ugly crowd of screaming hate filled bigots. And what gets me is how important it is for these bigots to get in front of the cameras so their ugly bigotry can be handed down to their children and grandchildren. As Jon Stewart put so succinctly just last night. WHAT THE F**KS WRONG WITH YOU?