Since our lying alternative President began his lie that there were 3 to 5 million illegal votes for Clinton much has been said about it, but not as well as Joyce Behr who quipped “If that is the case let’s do the election over.”
This cartoon coupled with Joyce Behr got me wondering just how many of the 62,979,636 million gawdawful people who voted from him are now sorry that they did? How many of them voted for him as a protest vote thinking he could never win? After his first week as President how many now realize their mistake and are aware that he actually is a psychotic buffoon who cares only about how much he is adored?
But on the other hand if we voted all over again how many would still vote for what they know to be a psychotic buffoon for the benefits of a Republicans control White House, House, Senate and soon the Supreme Court?
I think I got the numbers!
Those who would change their vote – 16
Those who would not change their vote – 62,979,620
Hating Mexicans, Muslims, immigrants, foreigners, college professors, scientists, gays, transgenders, liberals, reporters, federal employees and of course the planet itself TRUMPS common decency.
Okay “hate” is to harsh a word? How about “would like to shoot?”