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Koch Brothers own the Vote, Why Scott Walker won Wisconsin, Wuerker


Just as the nation was coming around to what the Tea Party was up to, causing it to go on the skids after the 2010 election, the most activist Supreme Court in history pandered to Tea Party politics by giving them Citizens United. They will soon hand the Tea Party another enormous win by destorying what little President Obama has done to help the poor, the working poor, and middle class with health care coverage.

Above all, the Koch Brothers represent the destruction of the EPA, clean air, clean water, new energy and the environment. Second to destroying the planet, their $400 million – along with the cadre of millions from other billionaires – is the destruction of unions, health care, higher wages and benefits for the middle class and pushing religious intolerance up everyone’s ass with a snow shovel.  What’s not to like about any of that for the 53% of people in Wisconsin who voted for the Koch Brothers night.

You know I hear the reason for this often enough from old friends back in Wisconsin who moved to the darkside. It is the same story, it is the same issue, it is the only issue.  “I DO NOT WANT MY TAX MONEY GOING TO LAZY BUMS WHO REFUSE TO WORK!”

That is what it seems to be all about. You can decide for yourself who the BUMS may be. But once you remove children who have yet to have jobs and the retired who have worked all their lives, the tax money they are talking about is a pittance to the whole. Have you ever tried to tell them that? Or explain it to them? It’s the same as the lie of evolution, the hoax of global warming, gays choosing to be gay and that the media is owned by socialist liberals and science is suspect.

And where does that wholesale denial of reality, facts and reason come from?  IT IS WHAT THE KOCH BROTHERS $400 MILLION GOES FOR. IT WORKS. Ask anyone on Madison Avenue…