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Labor Day my ass! Steve Nease Cartoon

Labor Day my ass!  Steve Nease Cartoon

Biggest employers in America are Walmart at minimum wage and temp agencies, I would guess Manpower Inc is still top dog. If we were to consolidate fast food workers into one entity that would come in first, again at minimum wage..

What if we had a single payer healthcare system as the rest of the civilized world ENJOYS? Employers could increase the salaries and wages of its employees by the cost they pay for health care.  And such a system would cost is about half as much as it does now which would boost everyone’s income by around 10% of so. Why is that not viable.

Reason 1 – I do not want my hard earned tax money going to (the health) of lazy bums around downtown somewhere.
Reason 2 – Corporations will defer the cost of health care to the individual without increasing their wages and salaries. It is who we are.

I suppose the best way to cope with this American reality is to buy assault rifles and sell drugs. Oh, and search NAKED and NUDE on Google.