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Larry Wilmore asks The Donald to keep on Trumping

John McCain refused to be released as a prisoner of war unless all his fellows were also released, what John McCain did was honorable and selfless, the direct opposite of putting up a gold plated hotel with your name on it.

Trumping! HasLarry Wilmore on Friggin' Donald Trump Larry Wilmore’s The Nightly Show come into it’s own now by creating a new word for the process of “bloviating buffoonery?” Hey Rush! Hey Billo?

Morning Joe update, here on day two it is once again Al Franken’s fault that Donald Trump used his old joke from 15 years ago about John McCain getting captured not being heroic, and besides Donald’s friends Joe and Mika say that The Donald subsequently did say John McCain was a hero it’s so bad anymore. In fact, national polls now put Donald Trump up an extra 8 points to 24% of Republicans kissing his ass.