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Last Week Tonight John Oliver #GoGetThoseGeckos

Last Week Tonight John Oliver #GoGetThoseGeckos

John Oliver is calling on you – and all of humanity to band together, and (maybe) tell Vladimir Putin to ‘Go get those geckos!”
What geckos? Well, that’s the problem. Russia launched some randy geckos into space, to study the effects of zero gravity on love-struck geckos – or to make gecko prom…The translation isn’t very clear. The point is, they carelessly lost track of the satellite carrying the partying geckos.  Russia needs to locate them before they run out of food and cigarettes.

John Oliver feels that this is a cause which can bring humanity together.  To that end, John mentions that you ‘could’ go onto the Kremlin contact page and send Putin an email to keep the geckos foremost in his mind. Mind, no one is saying that you should go to the Kremlin email at:   HTTP://ENG.LETTERS.KREMLIN.RU   and (because they ask that you be specific) write “Go get those geckos!” But wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could all bring them home – and buy the world a Coke? Perhaps we should tie green ribbons around our trees until the geckos come home? Granted, a tree in my front yard doesn’t have the impact of a giant green sash around the Kremlin…If you’re in the neighborhood of that building, I’ll chip in for the ribbon.