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Last Week Tonight John Oliver: UK Labour Party, Pink

Last Week Tonight John Oliver: UK Labour Party Woos Women With Pink Van - Ponies?

On Last Week Tonight, John Oliver features a hilarious attempt by the UK  Labour Party to woo women and assure their votes.
Right now, the men at Labour Party Central must be asking themselves, ‘Why, oh why did it fail – just what DO woman want?’
The Labour Party painted the campaign bus pink. By their reckoning, it should draw women to the Party like flies to a big irresistible pile of steaming dung. Instead, the  women are reacting in a contrary fashion, calling it ‘patronizing’ and nick-naming the van “the Barbie Bus.” If not for the slogans on the side, it would look as though some industrious lady had sold the lions’ share of Mary Kay products.

If women don’t think the pink bus is patronizing enough, the corresponding “Kitchen Table” tour certainly will.The plan is      “To have a conversation about the kitchen table, and around the kitchen table, rather than having an ‘economy that just reaches the boardroom table.'”   
Ooh ya, we wouldn’t know what do do in a boardroom, other than dust it. Come on the kitchen. Care for a cuppa tea, luv?
John hopes they don’t try to walk the campaign back, but after seeing his prediction of how that might go – I’m pulling for them – because I just love ponies!

This is a precautionary tale. Right now the Republican Party seems content not only to distance themselves, but to work against the interests of women and minorities.  The Labour Party debacle proves they should stay the course…Because they’d never spring for ponies.