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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Mental Health

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Mental Health, Politicians, Violent Crime & Revolutionary Inventions

John Oliver points out that mental illness is rarely talked about in the US until another gun-related tragedy occurs. It is then that politicians rush to blame the mentally ill. Of course, nothing could be more wrong-headed or frankly stupid. Statistically the mentally ill are far more likely to be victims, not the perpetrators of such crimes. However, until they are brought up as a convenient scapegoat, our mentally ill may as well be in a Victorian attic – arguably a superior ‘treatment’ than many currently receive.  If you’ve ever ridden Greyhound, you’ll soon know what I mean.

The silver lining, may be that despite the negative connotations, perhaps the time to take action is when politicians bring up the mentally ill. Those who blame mental illness, the better to stay cozy with the NRA – should be willing to help implement the kind of programs that we know work!

We’ve seen success in a very few progressive programs. We know that people get the treatment they need, and help to live independently. More impressive to politicians, the programs pay for themselves! The programs are said to be  ‘revolutionary.’ I have to weigh in with John here. The word revolutionary should be reserved for things like marshmallow air bags, and my personal favorite, easy-to-fold fitted sheets, and John’s favorite – sex dolls with eyes that are not judgmental and pitying. The word revolutionary should not be used  for a decent, nationalized standard of care for the mentally ill..But if that’s what it takes to get Huckabee and pals to sign off, they can call it crime prevention or revolutionary. They’ll be wrong on both counts, but people will be getting what they need.