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LDS Bishop Poses as Homeless Man to Teach Church about Compassion

Mormon Bishop Poses as Homeless Man to Teach Church about Compassion A man described as “a dirty, old, foul smelling, crippled bum who mumbled to himself” sat in the midst of LDS bishop David Musselman’s freshly scrubbed congregation for the Thanksgiving service. The congregation of the Taylorsville Fourth Ward reacted as one might expect when facing an intruder – and one so obviously out of place. People were not welcoming, few meeting his eyes…One man even offered to show him the door.

The man knew very well where to find the door. The menacing stranger was their own Bishop David Musselman! Musselman had disguised himself so well that even his own wife and children didn’t recognize him. The Bishop posed as a homeless man to better teach a lesson in compassion and acceptance of others. The congregation was less than warm and welcoming, and suspicion was evident – but not everyone was judgmental!                           Says Musselman, “I was impressed by the children. I could see in their eyes they wanted to do more.”   Musselman said “The main thing I was trying to get across was we don’t need to be so quick to judge.” The idea came to him when he was pondering how to inspire people to show more kindness and acceptance of others.

At one point, Musselman, still in costume approached the pulpit.
“He quoted the song ‘Have I Done Any Good in the World Today?’,” said a member of the congregation. After sharing what he was thankful for he revealed himself, which caused exceedingly mixed feelings among the congregation. Predictably Many felt guilt and shame.
It wasn’t Musselman’s goal to shame or embarrass his ward members, although he’s touched by their reactions. Instead he wants them to remember to be kind to people from all walks of life; not just at the holidays, but all year round.

I believe Jesus had a few things to say about that very thing, and on several different instances. It’s understandable that reading those scriptures while looking at illustrations of guys in the desert riding camels, might make for a disconnect. We might not recognize  our brethren in need unless they appear wearing sandals and long flowing robes?  It’s just a theory. Be nice – even on Black Friday…It’s just good policy. ; )