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Letterman: Mitt’s mustache sings in Norwegian or on Acid & Palin on Today

Dave’s monologue tonight leaves no stone unturned in the great race for Romney to add a rustic little White cottage in D.C. to his life-sized Monopoly Game.

The only question left to ask in this tight race is why was Charlie Gibson boxing with a kangaroo? Excuse me, I mean – who will step into the co-pilot’s seat with Captain Mitt, and be his Joe ‘Bite ’em’ – as one of the kids on the Kimmel interview pronounced it, charmingly.

Hey Willfred – FYI, Sarah Palin is still available – and photogenic! The two of you could pose with your expensive ‘varmint hunting’ gear over at Ted Nugent’s house, and win over the entire NRA block. Just remember, it isn’t a hunting party without Dick Cheney.