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Lie Witness News – World Cup Edition Jimmy Kimmel

Lie Witness News - World Cup Edition Jimmy Kimmel

Jimmy Kimmel’s crew went out onto Hollywood Blvd and found people who claimed to be big fans of the US soccer team and asked them how they think Landon Donovan has been playing so far.

See insert: This man is typical of the guy in your office who knows all of the players in any sport. He can list their stats, strengths and weaknesses as individuals and as a team. We now know this archetype is sometimes full of straw for brains.
The man is giving serious consideration to the following question.”Do you think Landon Donovan is living up to his nickname,’Deck’em,Smeck’em’ this year?”

Perhaps I should mention that Landon Donovan was cut from the team way back in May, long before the World Cup even started. However, this little detail didn’t  stop these folks from weighing in on Donovan’s  performance – and fibbing their faces off, in this edition of # LieWitnessNews.