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Miami strippers, ahem paralegals, entertain the wealthy in prisons

Perhaps these attorneys are attempting to make up for shaky legal skills which often result in a prison sentence for their clients, but some Miami lawyers go all out to assure their client’s comfort while serving time. Money doesn’t merely buy justice, it assures inmates of Playboy magazines, alcohol and money. These alone would delight most prisoners, but outsourcing strippers as paralegals is the real client pleaser.
I know some of you are pondering committing a small crime, just for the in-house perks. Be forewarned, if your income doesn’t equal that of a drug lord, you may well find a paralegal in the Discovery Room who only strips in the shower – at home.

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Hey, this is even more reason to allow women to be Priests and Ministers. Prisoners walking down that last mile could get some much needed nooky rather than a load of crap before they move on.