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Michael Dunn Shoot first, Tony Auth Cartoon

Michael Dunn Shoot first

 “I’m really not prejudiced against race, but I have no use for certain cultures. This gangster-rap, ghetto talking thug ‘culture’ that certain segments of society flock to is intolerable.” Michael Dunn jailhouse letter.

“The jail is full of blacks and they all act like thugs. This may sound a bit radical but if more people would arm themselves and kill these f**king idiots, when they’re threatening you, eventually they may take the hint and change their behavior.” Michael Dunn jailhouse letter.

Since Florida Governor Jeb Bush and NRA President Marion Hammer together signed the STAND YOUR GROUND law in 2005, gun murders have increased by 20% and Justifiable Homicides have increased by 300%. And the data from other states show large increases in justifiable homocides.

This West was won upon shoot first question later. The Civil War began with shooting first and questioning later. American hero John Wayne (who dodged the draft during WW2) shot first and asked questions later. It’s the basis of action movies which is where the money is in Hollywood.

THEY tell me this is not about race. Let me tell THEM a few things we all know to be true in both the George Zimmerman or Michael Dunn cases.

If these gun enthusiasts had not had a gun in their car both victims would be alive today.
If the victims had not been black they both would be alive today.
If the races were reversed the shooters would be doing life.

But you see, gun enthusiasm is like religion, rationality has nothing to do with it. The more guns around your house, car and in your pocket, the chances of you, your family and friends being shot or thrown in jail because of the guns more than triples.

Both gun enthusiasm and religion are a process to deal with fear, whether it be of Thugs (Black Men) or dropping dead. Jesus and bullets soothe the savage soul.