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Michael Flynn Resigns, Trump Crew in Perfect Storm – Seth Meyers

Michael Flynn Resigns, Trump Crew in Perfect Storm - Seth Meyers


Michael Flynn Resigns, Trump Crew in Perfect Storm - Seth Meyers

Trump’s Security Advisor Michael Flynn resigned, after it was learned that he told the Russian Ambassador about sanctions which were tied to Russia’s involvement in our election process. Flynn then lied about it to the American public. A frustrated Trump wants to know how Flynn got caught!  “The real story here is why are there so many illegal leaks coming out of Washington,” groused Twitler. Oblivious to his open-air, public ‘security briefing’ on the North Korea crisis at Mar-a-Lago, Trump continued: “Will these leaks be happening as I deal on North Korea etc? ” 

Instant Karma is alive and well. Remember when Flynn led the “Lock Her Up!” cheer for Hillary Clinton at rallies? Full of self-righteous fury he swore “If I did a TENTH of what she did I would be in JAIL TODAY”
While he may end up in jail. Flynn’s resignation has opened up talk of investigations that haven’t breached the  protective brain barrier of his former boss.

Asked why Republicans are so quiet on the potentially explosive issue, Senator Tom Cotton said this is  an example of the Trump Administration  just finding their sea legs. Seth observes Cotton’s example is a good one, as Trump and his marauding crew are heading into The Perfect …. Storm.