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Mila Kunis scores date with Marine, homeless Harry Potter fans

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The streets of New York outside of the theater where the final installment in the Harry Potter series is to be premiered looks much like scenes from the ‘other’ Great Depression. People are draped on benches, and lying on the street for blocks in either direction. The question remains, where will they go after the premier when they no longer have an excuse for vagrancy? The clearly grief stricken crowd may be dangerous and unpredictable. For the love of muggles, get them grief counseling!

The LAPD, faced with massive closures of 405, did what any 21st century cops in the Tweetosphere would do, call on celebs to solve their problem.

The U.S. Marines gave a Sargent Moore a pair of big brass ones, he supplied the camera. The result? Mila Kunis no longer has to wait for the phone to ring. Her date to the U.S. Marine Corps Ball is assured.