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Minutemen Leader Shawna Foote Murders Hispanic Family in Arizona

Good to see a new kind of white face put upon the violent conservative extremism at play these days. The leader of the Minutemen American Defense Corps out of Washington State, Shawna Foote. She was one of three arrested in Arizona for wounding a mother, killing the father and daughter in a violent home invasion. Not surprisingly the victims were Hispanic.

These various vigilante border patrol groups are considered heroic and patriotic by conservative pundits, primarily Sean Hannity, Lou Dobbs and Michael Savage. These groups who go down to the border with their guns, their beer and their wannabe badges are part of the same Republican Tea Party Base who are to put it gently, stupid white trash. And there is a lot of this kind of trash which cannot be recycled. It needs to be sent directly to the dump. Fatal Home Invasion linked to Minuteman group

Bubba and Rack Join the Minutemen Border Patrol