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Miss U.S.A. contestants don’t like evolution but do motor boat sounds well

These stunning beauties run the gamut on evolution versus intelligent design. Some actually feel that evolution should…"Brrrrrrrrrrrr, vrooooooooooom! At best – blublbulblublbub. "Evolution shouldn’t be taught as fact!" Are they crowning her to debate other beauty queens or to open supermarkets? This question and answer session sounds far too much like the Republican debates of 2008!

 RJ ADDS: More than HALF of Americans do not believe in evolution, including teachers. More people accept evolution in Iran than the do in the United States. Most civilized nations about 90% accept evolution as the very basis of all biology.
We are a first world nation with a third world brain. We must also give equal time to teaching that we live on the back of a giant turtle held up by the four gods of direction. And the other 356 creations stories must be given equal time to that Mayan one.

Chris Christie is all over the talking head shows being celebrated for his BLUNTNESS.  Allow me to ride that wave. Those who deny evolution are morons. You can quote me on that. About time we celebrated bluntness around here.

Thing is I can’t say the same about those who deny Climate Change because the powers that be know better, they just pretend it doesn’t exist because saving a buck is more important than saving the Earth. What the two issues have in common is though the powers that be don’t believe either lie, they know their Republican Base is stupid enough to accept whatever they say, so long as it supports intolerance and expresses hatred of science and liberals.