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Mitt Romney the Robot and the GOP Convention, review by Rack Jite

robot romney gop convention

From this Tony Auth cartoon, so far the GOP gang in Tampa has failed to humanize The Mitt.

First off, the convention theme is WE BUILT IT! The entire convention is based upon the lie that President Obama said YOU DIDNT BUILD THAT to small businesses when we all know, YES WE ALL KNOW, that he meant the infastructure that facilitates business. WE ALL KNOW IT. It is the same crap about Fox News being fair and balanced.  The signs, the placards, the speakers all over and over again playing that lie we all know is a lie.

I watched the whole damn thing. It was hard. All in all the speakers spoke more of themselves than for Mitt Romney. Well except Ann Romney who keeps telling us how funny Mitt is. She seems to be a nice enough filthy rich country club woman who is completely clueless as to how the real world works.

Other than a little spurt of santorum from Santorum there was no mention of rape, abortion, birth control or guns.  The rage came down on welfare recipients and unions. Especially from the nastiest of the speakers, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley. Does she have birth certificate handy?

Ted Cruz the Texas Tea Party maniac threw out the most red meat to the most foot stomping applause. I did not know we no longer had a constitution! Or that our country was taken away, or that we no longer are free.  The night will remember Ted Cruz. He is the new articulate face of the most reactionary, intolerant, ignorant mean politics in America. Sarah Palin with a brain.

Governor Scott Walker from Wisconsin who beat down the unions is now the hero of the GOP getting the most applause for just showing up.

Ohio Governor Kasich went out of his way with a very personal golfing attack on VP Joe Biden as a congenital liar.  His state is out of the red and into the black ALL because of Obama Stimulus for GM and CHRYSLER.  But he hates Obama no matter.

The main event was big, well in girth anyway. Chris Christie was his usual mean and nasty self, but it was all self aggrandizement rather than any help to Mitt Romney. His speech was below expectations.

What I enjoyed the most was the kick off with all the Lady Republicans telling us how the Republican Party is for women and Democrats are against women.  But it was the very start with the video bio of Mia Love, a black Mormon woman from Utah who is running for Congress, that got me watching in disbelief.  We learn the important factors, she is black, a woman, pro life and has a gun. She is sure to win the election now.