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Moderate Republican Senator Grassely says Death Panels Real

"In the House bill there is counseling for end of life…and from that
standpoint you have every right to fear…we should not have a
government program that determines you’re going to pull the plug on

So much for BIPARTISAN anything. The Republican Base IS the Republican Party. It is time to write this health care bill to what is best for everyone in America and to Hell with the Republicans.

That is needed is for the DNC to do whatever it takes to counter the money and threats the Blue Dogs receive from the NRA and the anti-Health care lobbies.

It is also time for Mr Nice Guy in the White House to kick some ass.

This very thing was the only reason I stuck with Hillary to the bitter end. 🙂
She knows who these people are, what they want, how they play and how to deal with them.

If this kid doesn’t toughen up on these bastards he is going to be sent home by the nurse.  What is this? Jimmy Carter II?  

At the very least put on some pointy toe cowboy boots…  

I hear Hillary wears Titanium Panties…

UPDATE: On the Glenn Beck Radio Show they are saying that Senator Grassley had a copy of Glenn Beck’s latest book on the ground in front of him when he made his famous quote at the park in front of that statue jumping in the Death Panel lie.