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More Americans gunned down by Americans every 6 months than by terrorists in 25 years

More Americans gunned down every 3 months than by terrorists in 25 years

I think it’s now been a trillion dollars we have spent on homeland security protecting us for Islamic terrorists. We spend about nothing on the 30,000 Americans a year who die by home grown guns in American hands. I think the figures by Sack here are excluding suicides, if included it would be every 3 months rather than every 6 months.

And what are the two biggest worries the GOP is running on? Here is number two.

There is no valid data that presents illegal immigrants causing any more violent crime than Americans. What data there is skewered in Donald Trump’s favor  because only federal prisons keep track of it, and they house less than 1% of violent criminals. In fact even though data is hard to come by, it would be common sense to assume African Americans do more violence than illegal immigrants. Or can’t I say that?

White lives matter more than Black lives! There is the truth, this [only] Black Lives Matter is making matters worse for African Americans. STOP IT. It’s like political correctness, you may be right but it puts a big hurt on the cause.