Last night NOVA repeated the 2 hour documentary, Judgement Day: Intelligent Design on Trial. After the second time I have watched it I became even angrie that last time. I am upset that most of my fellow Americans are so goddamn stupid. Below is the stupidest of them all, Bill Buckingham, retired cop, IQ 11.
This is the story of the Dover Case, where the Dover, PA school board tried to force equal time for creationism (under the guise of Intelligent Design) into science classes in their public schools. It goes without saying that President George W. Bush helped push this stupid idea around. May he rot in Hell.
Fundamentalist Evangelical intolerant moron Senator Rick Santorim suggested the conservative judge who heard the case and George W Bush appointed him to the Federal Bench.
Judge John Jones ruled that Intelligent Design was not science, that it was religion disguised as science by semantics and that it had no business in public schools, AT ALL. The judge and the Dover parents and Teachers who brought the case needed police and FBI protection from all the death threats they received from the fine Christian Taliban of Dover.
Here are two articles we did on this issue:
Intelligent Design For Dummies
Intelligent Design For Morons and Imbeciles
What comes to me even more strongly that the first time I saw this was the old story of the King with the invisible new clothes. Only one person was brave enough to stand up and shout, the King has no clothes! And he was a little kid.
There is no law against being a moron. But morons should not be deciding or dictating anything to MY children, YOUR children, or to ANY children.
When you see or hear one of these morons begin yammering about this stupid bullcrap, whether its you do worker, your neighbor or your mother, it is your Constitutional, your American, and you human DUTY to put your finger to their nose and to tell them with enough volume to be heard by everyone within a 100 yards that they are a fking MORON. ADAF Gosh…