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Morning Rackit, The Rick Santelli Republican Tea Parties

The original Santelli article and video

Every so often some previously unknown conservative jerkoff gets their 15 minutes.

Joe the Plumber has now been replaced by conservative commentator Rick Santelli, whose silly rant in Chicago threatening a Chicago Tea Party (you know, revolutionary Boston) to the applause of what he called average Americans; floor traders who get 6 and 7 figure bonuses just like you and I do.

Mad as Hell because others have one more bathroom than they, they do not want to bailout other people. That is the basis of modern conservative thought.  It’s very simple.


With the help of conservative talk radio, Republicans across America are having their little Tea Parties to express their outrage that the government is trying to help some other people from being thrown out of their homes, causing property values for everyone to drop causing more foreclosures. Of course not in the neighborhoods the Republicans having these Tea Parties live in. You know how conservative thinking goes.


What I find most interesting about this is how well the propaganda works. These Tea Parties are being thrown and attended by the Republican Country Club set who have been defined as average working Americans. While on the other hand, the recipients getting the mortgage help are spurious cheats living in luxury far beyond their means.

In reality most all the people being saved are minority and working class people who were sold a complicated and spurious bill of goods by these very same wealthy white predatory Republican bankers.


Has become the dominate ideology of the GOP which is supported and promoted by American Evangelical Christianity.

You know what fascism is?

The trifecta of conservative politicians, controlled by the money of conservative businesses with the support of the dominate conservative religion.