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MSNBC Ed Schultz Does in Right-wing Nutcake Ron Paul

Crazyass Bozo Ron Paul has been given a free ride by the media for far too long. It is about time someone somewhere popped up to give this creepy crawler a slap upside his pointy little head.

Republican Congressman and Mad Max Looneytarian Ron Paul – who lives  down the street a piece here in Dumbutt, Texas – is as bad as it gets in politics.

It is not only his desire to eliminate the Dept of Agriculture to refuse food stamps for the hungry, but also eliminating public education in lieu of Taliban indoctrination centers, Social Security to put millions of old people into cardboard boxes, Medicare so they will die in their cardboard boxes, Workman’s comp to force millions more people next door to the old people in their cardboard boxes with no food or health care, FEMA to make sure people get no help from disasters, Head Start to make children stupid, deregulation of civil rights statutes, environmental laws, banking and Wall Street. And of course to make sure no one has to pay any taxes to promote the general welfare of anyone, anywhere at anytime.

To top all that crap off he is also a rabid pro life evangelical fundamentalist Christian!

Why anyone in their right mind would give this bozo the time of day, yet have Stewart, Colbert, Leno, Letterman et al pat him on his pointy little head is beyond me.

I suppose its because he is ALSO against war and wants to legalize pot, crack, crank, oxycotin and heroin.

So thank you Ed! ABOUT TIME someone stood up and gave this piece of crap a bonk over the head. Am I clear on this?  Gee, I hope so! If you are not clear as to how I feel about this check out our Looneytarian pages