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Music Video: Rick Perry, Send in the Clowns

Down here in Dumbutt Texas we have our political champion of the Evangelical Right, Dan Patrick. He is now a state senator as well as a Right-wing talk show host and owner of the 24/7 Right-wing radio stations KSEV Houston and KVCE Dallas. It is his bill that is mentioned in the song that went into affect on Thursday.

As of Thursday Doctors in Texas are REQUIRED to show all women asking for an abortion a sonogram of the fetus, a recording of the heartbeat of the fetus, and give a verbal full description of the fetus. If they do not, the doctors will be fined $10,000 and automatic loss of their Texas medical license.

As of Friday, U.S District judge Sam Sparks but a hold on the law claiming it violated the Doctors 1st Amendment rights of free speech.

Within minutes of the decision, Governor Rick Perry submitted the paperwork for an appeal and Dan Patrick is having a hissy fit.