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New Jersey high school yearbook staff saves Trump students from lifetime of embarrassment

New Jersey high school yearbook staff saves Trump students from lifetime of embarrassment

New Jersey high school yearbook staff saves Trump students from lifetime of embarrassment

Wall Township high school students Grant Berardo, Wyatt Dobrovich-Fago and Montona Dobrovich-Fago should be thanking the school Year Book committee for photoshopping out their political adoration of Donald Trump in their class picture. Montana asked for a quote by Trump in her picture.

“I like thinking big. If you are going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big,” Donald Trump

Indeed, if you are going to fkup the country along with the entire world, best that you fk it up BIG.

What a smart and altruistic thing the yearbook staff did looking after the future for these kids expressing their parents politics. After all, soon, perhaps in just a few weeks or months having “Donald Trump” forever ensconced on one’s yearbook picture will be somewhere between having a Nixon and a swastika tattoo on your face, FOREVER.

But no, instead of thanking the wise yearbook students at Wall Township High school the tudents’ parents went ballistic.

The school administration has deeply apologized, the teacher advising the year book students has been suspended and it’s all another big win feather in the cap for Alt Right Free Speech bullshit to normalize all the bigotry, racism, incompetence and hate created by Donald Trump.

Oh and after reading three full articles on this, no where did I find any reference to the yearbook having any other politics in student pictures. Were there any with Hillary or Sanders names or slogans. And if so were they too removed. That issue never came up. Though I think we can assume that the only politics were Trump politics and pushed by the parents of these 16 year olds.