Bill Maher’s monologue last night hit upon not only the endless lies from Trump and those speaking for him but the wholesale incompetence of all of them from top to bottom. Needless to say there is something wrong when the only reasonable adult in the room is named Mad Dog.
It is now clear that the destruction of the planet itself is the highest priority of both Trump and the GOP. Turning back civil rights, voting rights, women’s rights, states weed rights, immigration and handing public education over to Jerry Falwell Jr, Franklin Graham and David Duke is all secondary.
Well wait, getting reelected is first I suppose. And what better way than to give a poke in the eye to blacks, Hispanics, immigrants, women, millennials and anyone smarter than roadkill? I suppose the thinking is that they can gerrymander and suppress the vote enough to hold the House in perpetuity while getting two new Scalia’s on the Supreme court before their coming comeuppance.
BTW, I am going to see Bill Maher tonight in Sugarland. Hope to see Sugarland’s top celebrity Tom DeLay there! Or is he in jail?