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New Rules Bill Maher, the Maximum Wage, Feb 28 2014

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New Rules Bill MaherIf we can’t agree on a minimum wage how about a maximum wage? During the big War FDR suggested a maximum wage of $300,00 (adjusted for inflation) with the rest doing to help American people along rather than spend it on getting one’s balls licked in Monaco.

I am sure we have all heard that the polls show that 73% of Americans agree with raising the minimum wage to $10 an hour. So why are the Republicans doubling down on doing all they can to stop it?  Oh sure, gerrymandering, voter suppression and all that Citizen’s United billionaire money all have something to do with it, but more than anything it’s because most of that 73% don’t vote in off year elections and the GOP knows it.

What is there argument against it anyway? Oh yes, that it will destroy jobs and the economy. Of course every other time we raised the minimum wage no jobs were lost or did the economy take a dive. So it’s just MADE UP STUFF, like creationism, the global warming hoax, homosexuality is a choice and wrestling is real.