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New Rules Bill Maher, Time for Obama to start acting like an angry Black man! Nov 16 2012

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New Rules with Bill Maher

Mr President, make this country join the rest of civilization. Healthcare is a right! Increase the taxes on the wealthy whiner, criers and haters who believe they are the victims when their car elevators go on the fritz. In fact put a 200% tax on car elevators. Save the RACIST  Supreme Court from destroying the Voting Rights Act, the Civil Rights Act and Affirmative Action which they are posed to do before the next election.  GET SOME GODDAMN SANE GUN CONTROLS!  No selling guns to anyone who walks into a gun show, and MY GOD, what possible reason are we allowing ANYONE to buy 20 round clips for the handguns and 100 round clips for their assault rifles. And please your your bully pulpit to force a bit of REALITY on the GOP in regards to of climate change and evolution. Stop the War on Drug! And if your are concerned about legacy, best do it all soon before Hillary beats you to it.