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New York Tampon Tax relief for witches, Daily Show

New York Tampon Tax relief for witches, Daily Show“Men say she’s just being a witch must be she’s on the rag, NEWS FLASH, I’m being a witch because I’m a witch,” Michelle Wolf tells it like it is in this tell all of the once unmentionable process of menstruation.

So as a lucky individual who God saw fit to not have to suffer this disability, I was confused watching this in the use of the world “tampon.” To me tampon is thing that goes inside while “kotex” is something that goes outside. So tampons must be though of as a luxury for sexually active women while kotex is not an unnecessary or luxury item. Googling just now I found that both are taxed as luxury or unnecessary items.

I suppose the thinking of those who pass the laws, who are about 90% male, is that it is a luxury for a woman not to be pregnant.