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News Channels now 24/7 American Mass Shootings for 8 straight days

News Channels now 24/7 American Mass Shootings for 8 straight days

Wow, American mass shootings are all the news all the time now going on the 9th day in a row, but not to worry, there should be another one coming in a few days as soon as this last one dissipates.

Perhaps the cable news channels should change their names to reflect their primary purpose, to report on the various mass shooters and their victims. The reasons for the slaughter seem to vary, from asocial white males, to Pro Life Christians, to racists and the least of it, Muslims. But the do all have only one thing in common, all the shooters are all GUN ENTHUSIASTS.

Guns don’t kill people, gun enthusiasts do.

Of the 11,000 gun homicides each hear in America 11,000 are committed by gun enthusiasts.

Those who really really want a gun are the very ones who should really really not be able to get a gun.

The NRA is more responsible for American gun deaths than all the Muslims combined to a factor of 100.

More children have been killed by gun enthusiasts than by child molesters. Let’s all have access to a gun enthusiast database, we need to know where they live to keep our children safe.

Six shots is all you need.

Assault rifles in civilian hands are only good for mowing down toddlers is schools, mowing down high school students, mowing down people eating in restaurants, mowing down people at work in hospitals, mowing down workers in abortion clinics. No other use for them whatsoever.  If you need 40 rounds to bring down a deer you are no hunter.

I once carried an M16 with an autoswitch along with hundreds of others with me, and we seldom if ever put them on full auto because it was far less efficient in the job of killing people. So any argument that because the assault rifles we sell are not assault rifles because they ONLY fire about 100 round a minute is total CRAP.