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Niche Dating Welcomes Gluten Free & JamieDate Sites. Jimmy Kimmel

Niche Dating Welcomes Gluten Free & JamieDate Sites. Jimmy Kimmel

Jimmy Kimmel has found a new dating website called Gluten Free Singles- it’s for people with gluten allergies. This is not the first ultra-specific dating site. There are websites that are just for Christians, Jews, farmers, people who own horses and this one, which is probably the most niche of all the sites we’ve seen.

When you feel butterflies in your tummy, goosebumps all over, then hot flashes and wicked mood swings it can mean you’re in love. Congratulations!  If you also have  bloating, gas, queasiness, abdominal cramping, constipation, diarrhea, or an alternating combination of both, you may have gluten intolerance  too!

In the days before niche dating sites, what did mismatched people do?  Did those who love free refills on the breadbasket (or the cheap dates) mistake thier date’s relucatance to dive on in and fill up on free bread, for a stubborn insistance to order a big, lobster and steak dinner?   Until recently, revealing “I’m gluten intolerant” led – at best, to a long explanation of gluten and the effects it has on those who are unprepared by mother nature to digest it. At worst, it led to a quick dinner and no phone call later, in fact, your date is likely to have changed his or her number.

Now, you are certain to have at least one thing in common on your first date. Conversation will never lag, as you swap stories of embarrassing and painful  gluten intolerant symptoms while in tense social situations…Funny stuff! (maybe years down the road, if then)   Sweet dreams are made of this…But pass up the pancakes in the morning.

Likewise, men and women named Jamie already have much in common, it’s only right that they should have a site devoted to them. Likewise Pat, Kim, Jan and Casey already have something to talk about.