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Noah Trevor, Democrat Gun Filibuster wins a vote!

Democrat Gun Fillibuster wins a vote!Democrats filibustered to force the Senate to hold a vote on two gun control measures, neither of which will pass the Republican held Senate or House, but it’s a start.

The bill to deny those on the No-Fly list will probably lose with some Democrats joining the GOP over the Due Process issue.  Even though Due Process is in the bill through the courts go get back the right to buy the gun.  The GOP has a rider on the bill that takes the teeth out of it with a 72 hour probable cause decision needed from the courts before the denial.

The hope is that the second bill to stop the Gun Show and Internet loopholes will pass with a few Republican senators in swing states crossing over, but I wouldn’t hold  your breath.

As to an assault rifle ban?  There are already 20 million of them out there, so take them away from those who already have them. With many having more than one I would guess that would be about 11 million assault rifle owners. If we can create a police force big and strong enough to knock down doors to drag 11 million men, women and children into waiting trucks to be carted off why not do the same for Assault rife owners? Ah, but they have assault rifles! So so want bloody battles going from trailer to trailer with the Marines, Navy Seals and Swat teams up against these nitwits? Probably not, but it would be a much needed Darwin moment.

Ok, so that may never happen I do have the reasonable logical answer to the problem of these mass shootings.

SIX IS ENOUGH.  No weapon shall be sold or possessed that can hold more than six rounds without a reload.

It saves all six shooters and shotguns from the gitgo.

The technology is simple enough by just making new magazines hold only six rounds while a simple spot weld a plug to existing magazines, subsidized at guns stores.

A magazine turn-in plan where the old magazines can be turned in for new ones also subsidized. Or giving those who turn in their old magazines their choice of either a 12 pack of Bud, a trailer hitch nutsack or the newest best selling T shirt in America, TRUMP THAT BITCH.

Punishment for possession of a magazine holding more than six shots would cause one to loose their right to own a gun, while using one jail time.

The second amendment does not mention ammo or magazines.

This is not only a good idea, but the only viable idea to curb this American horror.