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NRA, Good guys with Chemical Weapons, Margulies cartoon

nra chemical weapons

The only thing that stops a bad guy with chemical weapons, is a good guy with chemical weapons

There you have the gun enthusiast logic.

Gun enthusiasts and the NRA in Colorado managed to recall two Democrats who voted for background checks – which the NRA supported until  a black guy became president – and to limit magazine size to 15 rounds. Both of which taken together will appreciably reduce the amount of children and cops any insane mf can kill per burst.

This is a warning shot across the bow to all elected officials in the nation who vote against even the most reasonable gun control legislation. These people are a loud one issue paranoid dim bulb minority who really really want to shoot someone many many times. 40 to 100 times without reloading. Who it is they so want to shoot so badly I will leave up to you and George Zimmerman.

The answer to all our problems is to follow Australia and require everyone to vote or be fined a hundred bucks.