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NRA tells Americans to stop listeming to the NRA, Onion Week in Review

nra says dont listen to nraAs we discuss gun control in the wake of Newtown and the carnage in Chicago, the courts in Illinois are poised to strike down gun control laws in Chicago. Thanks to Supreme Court  Heller case. The Supreme Court is also about to double down on Citizens United by removing any limits on private donations. So this Supreme Court is increasing the gun carnage and handing our democracy over to a system of bribery by corporations and the very wealthy.

IMPEACH CLARENCE THOMAS. He is not only on the take, he is giving us the finger about being on the take.  He believes he is untouchable because he is black. Talk about affirmative action!  My God man… While he brags he got where he is by affirmative action and votes against it for EVERY OTHER BLACK every chance he gets.  He doesn't even make his decisions on legal foundation, but rather upon his seething, visceral, ear bleeding hatred of Liberals, Democrats and black women.

Most despicable human beings in America:  Ted Nugent, Michael Savage and Clarence Thomas.  Little will change in America until Roberts, Alito, Scalia or Thomas are replaced by a Democratic President.
