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Obama gets really into “Chicka Chicka Boom Boom” College Humor

‘Skit scat doodle doot, skit scat doodle doot’ – our President is the Scat Man, how cool is that!

There is no explanation given, but I presume this is not a run-through of a new campaign speech, although he could possibly polish it up and make it work. After all, the President is on the look-out for a zippy new campaign slogan to emerge from one of his speeches… This could be the one, skit scat doodle doot!

A more likely scenario is the annual Easter egg extravaganza at the White House, where the President and the First Lady host and entertain hordes of egg-hunting kinder. Their own offspring, Bo and even Grandma appear to be past being knocked out by this selection, which still appears to be a favorite of their parents.