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Obesity finally addressed by Paula Deen racism, Britt Cartoon

paula deen racism

Though my neighbors are up in arms  boycotting the Food Network in solidarity with Paula Deen’s expressions of fat buttered racism, the private sector is still taking millions away from her empire as Smithfield Foods removes her from their buttered pig  fat endorsement.

Who would have thought that promoting obesity in America would be stymied more by an old Southern antebellum fat chick than it would be by a powerful Northern Healthy First Lady?

There is a lesson here. We need Republicans like Ted Cruz, Todd Akin, Steve Stockman, Louie Gohmert, Michele Bachmann and The Donald Trump to keep the GOP under their rocks.  The problem Democrats face is state governments where more and more Republican governors are going more pragmatic than idealistic. Of course Southern governors are not in that mix.

The only other hope the GOP has is to restructure presidential nominating process to eliminate primaries and go back to meaningful conventions.

The point being, we need Evangelical Christian morons on the front page, so be nice to them. Help them along if you can stomach it. Remember, INTOLERANCE IS BEAUTIFUL!